Starting you New Year off on the right note for your business
So you’re coming down from that holiday high and it is back to business. Some of you will be dreading all the emails you have sort through and the annual stress of budgets, hiring intakes and a lot more to do. While the other half of you will jumping out of bed from the first day excited down-to-your-socks to seize the new opportunities.
Don’t stress yourself out before you even get to the office: one personality type isn’t necessarily better than the other because different people find success at their jobs in different ways so it’s important not to be too hard on yourself if you aren’t chipper at the idea of all you have to do.
Wanatel Africa
Helping you to kick off your business year with a bang:
At Wanatel Africa we want to help you start things off on the right note and not just as you VoIP and SIP provider. So here are some tips to springboard you into 2015.
We’ll be going through, how you getting organized really does help, why breaking huge tasks up into bite-sized chunks is a great way to project manage and lastly why short-term and long-term goals are the route markers to success in your small business.
How you getting more organized really does help your business grow:
Deals happen fast just like invoices and chaos is hard to keep at bay, so getting organised might seem like a lofty goal that you have to work towards. It really isn’t.
Here’s one way to do it:
Make a list of everything you have to do. Put the most important on top.
Then break you work day into 30 minute slots. Leave one 30 minute slot open (other than lunch) open at the start of your day.
Slot the things that have to be done sooner (earlier deadlines) into the slots before midday and the later due dates to after midday.
The thirty minute open window at the start your day is your opportunity to put out any fires that have occurred suddenly. If there’s nothing in that slot, then you’re 30 minutes ahead of schedule just like that.
Smaller bites make a full plate manageable:
Having a lot to do is a symptom of modern life, especially for small to medium business owners who have to be multitaskers in order to keep the office going. The way to tackle this in the New Year might be to take it task by task. Sometimes doing everything at once isn’t as effective as it sounds. As we’ve said before if you put full focus on one task for relatively short bursts with achievable goals working up to the deadline.
Why short-term and long-term goals are the route markers to success in your small business:
As we mentioned in the point above, achievable goals are very important because it’s important to have 5 year or long term plan and a short term or 6 month plan. You should know exactly where your business is going and how it’s supposed to get there. Stagnation can kill any enterprise, it’s vital to grow as much as possible not in one big burst but sustainable steady growth.